While we aim to provide the very best support and guidance for our apprentices and employers, we understand that sometimes things can go wrong. If that’s the case, we want to know about.
At Apprentice Success, we’re committed to learning from our mistakes and finding the best resolution for your complaint. If you’re unhappy with the services or support you’ve received, we encourage you to call us on 1300 360 921 to discuss your concerns. If we are unable to resolve your issue, you can submit your complaint in writing in the following ways:
- online form
- mail: Apprentice Success, PO Box 42, Holmesglen Victoria 3148
All written complaints will be acknowledged within 2 business days.
The steps we take to resolve your complaint are outlined below. If you’re unsure of the steps involved or have questions at any stage we encourage you to call 1300 360 921 or email us.
All complaints are handled confidentially and information will only be shared with those directly involved in the resolution process.